Hallee’s Birth Story

Hello friends, 

I thought I would dive into the story of my daughters birth today. Her name is Hallee and we decided on her name in a car dealership lobby before we bought our car and our truck. At one point after the 30 week mark Hallee still hadn’t turned and at 36 weeks I was still determined that she was still breeched. My doctor decided to schedule me for a C- Section at 39 weeks, and by chance if she had turned, they would go ahead and induce me. We arrived at the hospital at 5am and checked into labor and delivery. The tech came in and did an ultrasound and it was determined that she was not breech and they would have to consult the doctor before they started to induce me. The doctor called them back and said everything was good to go so they started me on pitocin (sp?) around 7:30. I had an audience in my room (not while I was being checked obviously. My husband, my mom and my mother in law were there the entire time but my husbands grandparents, and his Aunt and Uncle also made appearances throughout the day. The husbands grandfather found it humorous to watch the contraction monitor and inform me how big my contractions were. Around 10:30 I was given an epidural which I was eternally grateful for. I believe if you are able to have a natural childbirth that is amazing and you are my hero, but I was all for the epidural. The doctor came into check me around 4:30 because I was not progressing like I should have. While she was checking me my water broke and from there I started to progress rapidly. A little bit after 9pm we welcomed our daughter with only two pushes. She is our little princess and we are so grateful to have her in our lives. 




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