
Showing posts from August, 2018

The Struggle is Real

Hello friends, It has been a busy week, and next week is only going to get busier. I thought I would take a second to blog about things going on and what is on my mind. My (what seems like) 100th semester of college started this week and I am already over it. I have to keep on keeping on because I set the goal to GRADUATE in 2019 and by golly that is going to happen. It is a promise I am making to myself right now and I need everyone to help hold me accountable. Because, if you break promises to yourself, you aren’t making promises, your talking ( yes that’s a Rachel Hollis quote, if you knew that, we can be friends.) Hallee has been teething like crazy and along with that comes an awful attitude, but we are finally starting to get over that and she is as sweet as cupcakes once again! Next week, I go back to work, and I am more than ready. I am ready to be a working mama again and am excited get to see my crazy coworkers everyday. With working and school and raising my baby I still

August Reading List

Girl Wash Your Face: Rachel Hollis   Girl Wash Your Face is my absolute favorite book. This book is about the lies women tell themselves that are harmful to their lives. Some of these lies include, I‘m Better Than You, I’ll Start Tomorrow, Something Else Will Make Me Happy, Loving Him is Enough, and so much more! Every women needs to read this book because it is truly empowering, humorous, and honest. All of the books on my reading list, I listened to on audible, while I was traveling and I am so glad I did. While listening to Rachel read her book, it felt like she was speaking directly to me at times. One of the great things about Rachel is, is that she forms a community between her readers which she calls her Tribe. I have found my own sense of community by following along with her book club and her Facebook community. I could not recommend this book, or anything else by Rachel Hollis, enough. Fail Until You Don’t: Bobby Bones This book is Bobby Bones

Organize Your Life

Hello friends, Let’s talk about something we all struggle with, especially me, staying organized. This fall I am working 18-20 hours a week at Headstart, taking 9 college credit hours, taking care of Hallee (obviously), and running a household. Being a working mom, a student, and a wife can be exhausting, that is why it is important to stay on top of your tasks and be as organized as possible. The first step to becoming more organized would be to invest in a nice planner. The planner I have recently discovered is called The Purposeful Planner by Corie Clark and it has really helped me organize my life and even declutter my home. This specific planner is so amazing because it has a section to plan your menu for the month, a section for budgeting, and each day it gives you a 15 minute decluttering task! Yesterday I filled our my planner and wow it really helps break down everything you have to accomplish in a week and makes it a lot more manageable. I wrote down all of our bills in

Hallee’s Birth Story

Hello friends,  I thought I would dive into the story of my daughters birth today. Her name is Hallee and we decided on her name in a car dealership lobby before we bought our car and our truck. At one point after the 30 week mark Hallee still hadn’t turned and at 36 weeks I was still determined that she was still breeched. My doctor decided to schedule me for a C- Section at 39 weeks, and by chance if she had turned, they would go ahead and induce me. We arrived at the hospital at 5am and checked into labor and delivery. The tech came in and did an ultrasound and it was determined that she was not breech and they would have to consult the doctor before they started to induce me. The doctor called them back and said everything was good to go so they started me on pitocin (sp?) around 7:30. I had an audience in my room (not while I was being checked obviously. My husband, my mom and my mother in law were there the entire time but my husbands grandparents, and his Aunt and Uncle als

One Year Old Must Haves!

Hello again friends, Okay so I have been a mom now for a little over a year and I just want to help out any new mommies out there (or moms looking to try other products) and tell you what products have worked for us. A lot of the products I am going to mention I will link below and I heard about them either from Instagram, Youtube, or was turned onto them by a friend. For meal times I LOVE the silicone bibs with the tray to catch the food so it doesn’t fall in Hallee’s lap, less to clean up= one happy mommy. Another great mealtime product that my friend Ali turned me onto is the Grabease fork and spoon! This set is so great because the utensil handles are little knobs and they are so much easier for Hallee to hold onto! For teething babies I would have to recommend either the Itzy Ritzy or Bubaloo Baby teethers. Both of these teethers are dishwasher safe which makes clean up a breeze! Hallee loves the Bubaloo teether because it comes with chew beads for extra stuff to chew on and she

Traveling with a Toddler

Hey Friends!  Hallee and I made it to Minnesota on Thursday and we are having a great time visiting with family. The trip was surprisingly a piece of cake, beside when Hallee got very uncomfortable in her car seat and this mommy had to stop at a rest stop and hold her feet over her head on the changing table. One day she will read that and be super embarrassed but as for now she can’t read so it’s okay. The Mom hack for traveling with a one year old, snacks, toys, and drinks at all times! I went off and forgot my cooler at home so I had to make several gas station stops to make sure the little princess always had fresh milk in her cup. Hallee loves her snacks! We stopped at Culver’s and Hallee had her first experience with cheese curds (unhealthy, I know, don’t judge) and she loved them! What made the trip go by faster for me was listening to a book on Audible. Listening to a book helps me forget how long I have been driving and always makes the trip go by so much faster. The book

Hubby of the Year

Hey Friends!  I need to take a moment to brag on my amazing hard working husband. One day a couple weeks ago I noticed on the Verizon Up app that tickets to the Luke Bryan Concert were going to be available to claim (like winning them kind of) very soon. He did not respond to my message since he was at work so I thought oh well nothing gained, nothing lost. When he got home he asked me if I claimed them, I explained to him that it wouldn’t let me, he then responded that he got me the tickets. I was so excited and then he told me that he did not want to go and I could take my friend Nicole instead and he would watch Hallee. Luckily Nicole was thrilled and agreed to go with me. I am writing this post at 12:30am, I just arrived home an hour ago from said concert, and boy was it great! Not only did we win these free tickets, when we arrived at the Verizon Up booth we were given free merchandise and escorted to our section which was right in front of the stage. So Tj Wright should win so